Saturday, November 8, 2008

President Barack Obama

'To those who would tear this world down -- we will defeat you'

November 4th 2008

Barack Obama (Democrat) vs John McCain (Republican)

After weeks of 24/7 CNN coverage of the presidential race it was finally election night. In preparation for what we all thought was going to be a long night of election news and results, I had decided to goto the gym early so as not to miss any results.

As the early results started to filter in it was clearly evident that we were going to get an early result. Things were going Obama's way very quickly and no sooner had the ballots closed in California CNN called it for Obama.

11.15 EST Senator John McCain gives his concession speech in Arizona. An honourable, gracious and worthy adversary who has served his country to the fullest in both war and peace.

President Elect Barack Obama gives his victory speech in Chicago.

A great result, one which I was personally hoping for, it's time for change and the World is watching.

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